Sep 19, 2008

The middle verse of the WHOLE BIBLE!!!

Okay.. So which verse is in the middle of the whole BIBLE?

According to Cedric.. My brother from another mother.. Yo Ced.. Hi~~~ The verse in the middle of the BIBLE is..

Psalms 118:8

Okay, it says this..

"It is better to take refuge in the LORD than trust in man."

First of all, thank you Ced for sharing yar.. Okay.. So why I share this with you people? Well, cause I find it very meaningful.. Just like Ced..

Cause this central verse of the bible just so happens to talk about putting God in the center of our lives.. Taking refuge under him.. It far better than trusting man.. Cause we human tend to be inconsistent.. Everyone is.. No matter how perfect we think we are.. Got to thanks Jen for this revelation of mine.. Something she spoke of during my talk with her triggered this thinking of mine.. Haha.. But not saying don't trust people at all ar.. Trust in God's people..

I just so happen to be one too.. So trust me yar? LOL..!

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