Oct 2, 2008

Morning Care Group..

Haha.. Before I start, I'd like to say this update is less then 1 week apart from my last entry.. Hehe.. Consistently putting in entries yar.. That what I challenged you with your blog too! You know who you are; if you happen to be reading..

Anyways, so interesting I tell you, this week Care Group was in the morning.. This is because it was a holiday on Wednesday and the group was able to move the time forward.. It was a first for many of us.. Having Care Group in the morning.. Overall, I'd say that the experience was a unique one.

There were a few drawbacks for me personally though.. This is because on Monday, I pretty much had to work for the whole day.. Then on Tuesday, my boss called me back as a back-up because one of the other boss was sick.. Good thing is that I work for half day only, but got double pay because of the "work stress of not having time to rest in between shifts"

So how do all these all add up? Well, lets just say I was pretty tired.. But I'm not gonna complain, cause I really think God never short-changed me.. After giving some money as an offering, I felt that my wallet was a bit empty.. I think God is giving me the chance to earn but 2 times of what I give and then some.. Really feel great now, have a nice cushion of money just in-case of emergency..

So from then until the end of this entry, I was feeling great, and really enjoyed my day with the Care Group.. So looking forward to the days that God has planned for me ahead.. Do hope can get leave so that I can join the Care Group at East Coast Park on this friday..

Do pray for me yar?

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