Hmm.. Recently.. I feel a sense of negative energy around me..
It's not me.. It's the people around me.. Surprising.. But true..
Recently, everywhere I go I heard people talking about unhappy stuff and blogging about stuff that really frustrates them.. I can't help but think.. Hey.. Since the incident had already made you so frustrated, why meditate on it by bringing it back up by talking or blogging about it right?
Isn't it kind of stupid.. Giving yourselves a way to remind you of something that really pisses you off? You get stressed by it, and in time, you get white hair and grow either too skinny or too fat..
If I were them, I'd talk or blog about something happy, rather then giving myself a way to remind myself of the crappy things.. At least I'm trying my best to do that now..
I told this to some people, and their responses to me is that I'm running away from the problem.. Well, you can put it that way.. But isn't it way better to lead a happy and joyful life and take up the problems in stride.. Making oneself miserable over something that has gone and past isn't going to make it better anyway.. I had to learn that myself too..
So.. Relax.. The world would be a better place if we could all be like this little feller..

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