Nov 30, 2008


"Why you every time like that one?"
"You're so mean!"
"I don't want to talk to you already!"
"Why you always so irritating?"
"Wah! I can't forgive you.."

Do you find yourself saying some of the above every time someone treats you in a way that you think that you're not suppose to be treated?

Well, thank God for this weeks sermon..

It reviewed to me a fact that I've always overlooked in the past.. When we sin against someone, EXAMPLE, when I always bully a sister.. And she says something like "I don't care, don't forgive you because you don't deserve it!".. Indeed, the sinner does not deserve to be forgiven.. However, forgiveness is not something that one deserves, it is something that one receive.. Hence, forGIFTness.. Forgiveness is a GIFT that is given to someone..

With that said, the hardest part is always the part when we are suppose to give the GIFT of FORGIVENESS to someone.. The most common reason would be that the person does not deserve it.. Like I'd said before, it is a GIFT.. Moreover, if we think about, we ourselves are not so perfect after all, so who are we to say that another cannot be forgiven..

"HopeKids' Beatitude No. 5"

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy - Matthew 5:7"

Indeed, if we show mercy to other, we ourselves would be shown mercy too!

So why not lets LOVE each other more from the bottom of our hearts, don't squabble, don't bear grudges and be more LOVING & KIND to each other!

"We love because He first loved us - 1 John 4:19"

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