Nov 23, 2008

Motives and Reasons..

Ever wondered why we do what we do?

Yes? No?

Does not really matter actually..

I was kinda dumb I supposed.. This week has being a very fruitful week, and I only just realised it this after witnessing something this afternoon during lunch with someone..

I realised that for this pass week, I have being asking the same old question in my heart over and over and over again..

"Why is this person doing what he/she is doing?"

Be it big or small, young or OLDER (Not old cause we're young still right my friends?).. Everyone does things for a certain reason or motive.. Be it good or bad things with good or bad motives.. I personally experienced all the possible combinations of the above for this past week..

To tell you the truth.. The truth is that there could be a thousand and one motives or reasons behind why we do what we do for everything (That makes 2002 motives and reasons combined.. No la.. I may be exaggerating a wee bit.. But I'm sure that as my friends.. You people all will be smart enough to get what I mean right? Haha..)..

So what motives or reasons are our actions based on? Sometimes we know, sometimes we don't.. Sometimes we think we don't but we do, sometimes we think we do but we don't..

I know this may some confusing to some, but the key here is really just to constantly check ourselves as we go about doing things..

And if you're like me, always thinking about why is the person is doing what he or she is doing, and for what? You could never know, you could ask, but then again, you could never know, even if the person told you something (A.K.A the person is lying or just not even sure of it himself/herself)..

So for this case, in this case my case, I really learned to TRUST God even more than I have before..

Who knows us the best?



Its God..

For it is said that our God knows us better than even ourselves.. And that He would make known to us all our doubts if we'd just ask Him (And then wait for His reply, may be instant, may take awhile, God's timing I tell you, God's timing.. Don't complain if we think its taking too long, cause know that God's is helping us, so be grateful and don't complain..)..

Thank God for many people this week, the kids of HopeKids, Jenny, the Guys and the whole lot of everyone around me..

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