Feb 1, 2009

The Cross Within..

Yo.. I'm back again.. Sorry yar.. Recently very busy, then never update..


Today I'd be talking about inner values.. Recently have being thinking about and people around me have been talking about inner values.. Values we hold dear in our hearts..

What makes us who we are?
What makes us stand firm in time of doubts?
What makes us step out of our comfort zone?

I think I now know what makes me tick..



This JOY is the feeling kind of joy..


This JOY however, comes from putting Jesus first, Others Second, and Yourself last..

Many of us Christians would have heard of this saying.. But is this one of the values we hold dear in our hearts?

Its almost a year since I first cross that line of faith, and as time passes by, this fact becomes more and more apparent to me..

Many times I've neglected this fact, and just as many times I've had to learn the hard way.. When we choose NOT to put God first in our lives, we stray from His ways and go through so much UNNECESSARY pain and suffering..

Now.. I say "No More!"

This value is something I want to hold dear with me.. Because I believe that as we OBEY Jesus more and more, and put Him as the TOP PRIORITY of our lives, the more He would reveal Himself to us..

With Him at the front of our lives, we are able to live our lives to the fullest, and enjoy that JOY that comes from within..

I say that this is one of the things that makes up my Cross Within..

What makes up your Cross?

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