May 24, 2009


As always.. An odd month Sunday is a joyful one..

Though I messed up a bit.. It was still okay.. But the cool thing about today was that I met this sister called "Daniel Chen Zhi Wei".. Yes.. She is a SISTER.. The surname don't if I got hear properly or not.. But kinda cool yar.. Almost same name.. But her name is pronounced as "Dan-nel" and "Zi Wei".. So wasn't so hard to tell a part..

After the service and lunch, a bunch of us went for a game of L4D.. Then Zhi Wei came up with the idea that two of us putting the same name.. Wasn't that hard to tell apart la.. But for the novelty of it lor.. Its not everyday you get to play L4D with a person of an almost similiar name..

Man.. This post feels weird.. First time post the name Zhi Wei but not referring to myself.. Haha.. Thank God for this day.. Stress might be building up due to the mid-sem test and the stupid student portal not working right (Meaning I can't get my exam time-table).. But being able to serve is always a JOY..

"His favour is my delight"

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