Oct 30, 2010

A Saturday Spent in Camp

Yup.. Got confined this today in camp.. But don't get me wrong.. I did not do anything wrong or got confined for any bad reasons.. The reason I stayed in camp was because I was involved in the parade for the Change of Command for the Minister of MHA as a Guard of Honor (Those guys you see in white on National Day Parade).. Had to miss service because of this..

One of the greater moments was when everything has ended and the minister is taking his leave from the dinning hall.. I was holding the door for the guests.. Then the whole lot of Commissioners from the various Home-Team Uniform agencies and the minister passed by me through the door.. Wow.. What a sight.. But still I miss the fellowship with the people in church.. Oh well.. See you people soon..

1 comment:

yeu@nn said...

Wow... thank God for you bro! Reminded of how, in the book of Esther, Mordecai in the Bible also waited at the city gates for the king... :) May God use you likewise to serve and to protect our leaders...