Happy Birthday to me.. Happy Birthday to me.. Happy Birthday to Nick Daniel Lim Zhi Wei.. Happy Birthday to me..
haha.. 20 Years old le.. This post would be dedicated to the day that my unit celebrated my birthday for me..
OK.. So let me start with the cake of the day..
OMG.. I tell you the truth.. This cake is a killer man..
It's super nice.. The thick chocolaty flavor, and that crunchy bottom layer..
OMG.. It just takes the cake.. Literally..
OMG.. I tell you the truth.. This cake is a killer man..
It's super nice.. The thick chocolaty flavor, and that crunchy bottom layer..
OMG.. It just takes the cake.. Literally..

Thats my gift from BizArt 2 & 3, donuts.. 24 of them.. They actually bought all the flavors available in the shop lehzz.. How cool is that.. Then above is a photo of the donuts.. The Try and Vivian go and hide their faces lor.. Sianz..
This is apparently the gift of BizArt 3 for me.. A cup.. The idea is nice.. But look carefully at the cup.. Its a e-Donuts cup.. Likely a freebie.. And if you think about it.. You should know where I'm going.. Thanks so much ar BizArt 3..
Oh.. Then hor.. Take a look at what my Care Group did for me.. So SWEET la.. LOL.. Really a very nice present.. Its like a "photo-thingy" then the behind of the photo acts as a card.. Then they each wrote something for me.. How nice..
Haha.. Another GREAT present.. Home-Made cookie by Alexia.. Super nice of her lor.. Take the effort to make something for me.. This sister must go get to know her more.. Really appreciate her thoughts.. My 1st home-made cookie present.. Super touched la.. Alexia the BEST liao..
(sisters in this case, cause got no other guys care group)..
All your well wishes and encouragements.. I thank you all for it.. Gonna share some interesting things I got from the reading the cards..

BizArt 1:
Ha.. Thanks for the awesome cake.. And the awesome present.. Really like it A LOT..
BizArt 2 & 3:
Thanks for the 24 different assorted kinds of donuts.. Super cool de lor..
BizArt 3:
Thanks for the cup ar..
Will know you better de.. For sure.. You can't escape me.. Muahaha.. And Yes.. Thanks for the cookies.. I will definitely finish it de..
Mei Yi/Philothea:
LOL!!! I wun sad la.. 1 year older nia.. Also.. By my next birthday, sure let you have so much thing to write about me till I think you also sian 1.. And Yes, I will wait upon the Lord.. Thank God for placing you in my life yar.. A dear sister you are.. A very nicely done-up de card btw.. Thanks SO much..
You also another one.. Dunnid to run one.. I will definitely get to know you better.. Btw, I can't get fat de lehzz.. Dunno why.. So dun have to worry about me getting too fat from eating too much cake.. Anws, heard you also a big eater right? You watch yourself too yar?
Haha.. You're welcomed.. Next time your turn to nice nice to me lor.. A pact ar.. You can't run away de.. And really want to know more about you also.. The words inside your card very moving.. Nicely written..
Li Ping:
Sure Sure.. Will cook for everyone if everyone wants to eat.. Glad to be serving with you too.. A very hardworking sister.. JiaYou..
Dennis Chua:
Wa.. You flatter me.. We got to learn from each other.. And lets really get everyone to open up and make BizArt a better unit.. Learn somethings from you too..
Su Quan:
What radio.. Walau.. LOL.. Not good la.. But really thanks for your company all this while.. Great to be hanging around with you..
Yay.. I also want to grow steadily like you say.. I want to grow together with you too.. Lets both jiayou yar?
Yes.. Hehe.. I know I'm percious.. LOL.. Will keep burning de.. May even explode.. Anws.. Got time then chit chat a bit yar?
Yet another one.. "Mian Zao" one.. Will definitely know you more de.. And you say you "Hope".. LOL.. Be careful of what you wish for.. Haha..
Ah Be/Valens:
Amen to that man.. Yes.. God's power is far much stronger than ours.. Must talk more with you also.. Dun run ar Ah Be.. I will chase you to get to know you better if you run.. Haha..
LOL.. Nice to be able to let you see me from a non-believer, then becoming a believer.. Now I want you to witness me do great stuff for God.. And if God anoints me, then see me rise up.. Thanks so much for you man.. You're a very interesting sister to hang out with..
Xiao Amanda/Christen:
Dun run, lata I will grab you.. LOL.. Yes.. Thanks for the encouragement.. Will talk to you more de.. Its inevitable.. You can't hide from me.. Muahaha..
Yup! I will NOT give up de.. Will live up to God's expectation of me.. You rest assure my sister.. I will do great things for our group de.. With the Lord our God always guiding me through my life.. I will seek Him 1st always.. Then maybe you 2nd.. LOL!!! You got to take care of yourself also ar.. Dun overwork yourself..
Zhi Yang:
Hey.. Dun away help me only ar.. You got to help yourself also.. Please be humble enough to let me help you.. I know you will de.. Must be able to receive also.. Can't only always give..
LOL.. Undoubtedly one of the cutest card I received.. Got drawings some more.. LOL.. "Man Leader" .. Weird Definition.. The rest of the guys are only able to become "Boy Leaders" you mean? Cause they not old enough.. Haha.. JKJK.. Anws, I want to talk to you more also okay? Need to book appointment 1 anot?
Geck Ting:
Haha.. I also enjoy your presence a lot.. Its interesting being around you.. I want to learn from you also.. Will you let me? Haha..
Li Ting:
Hehe.. Thanks.. NVM about the messy-ness.. Because the content ROCKED.. Haha.. Thanks for the encouragement.. I still got plenty to learn.. And with a sister like you around, this long journey is going to be way easier..
Yea.. Many Birthday in Christ brings about the extra bonus of delicious cakes.. Yea man.. And ya.. Never give up.. Never Back Down.. Muahaha..
David/Chit Meng/SLY:
Yo.. My brother in SK.. Haha.. Just to update you, I'm not going to STMT le.. Due to some unforeseen circumstances.. And Yea.. Humble ourselves before the Lord yar? Never stop wanting to serve him and experience Him..
Wa.. Your card the wording like talisman like that.. Hard to see a few words sia.. And btw you know I worry when you do dangerous stunts qui hao.. Then dun do it le la.. Dun let me worry.. Dun let the people around you worry.. We dun live our life only for ourselves anws..
Aiyo ar Jenny.. 1st of all.. I'm Daniel, not David.. And there is no such word as "yourselves".. Its "yourself".. Anws.. YES!!! Wo Ke Yi De.. And Yar.. I want to keep showering the brothers and sister of BizArt with all the love I can give them.. Maybe even a "tsunami of L.O.V.E".. Haha..
Li Jia:
Wa.. Cool card sia.. The only printed card.. Some more you got the colour correct.. ORANGE!!! You ROCK man.. Thank you for your effort put into making this card..
Haha.. You're welcome.. And also, it very fun to hang out with you too.. Also want to encourage you with this.. "Keep our focus on God and His way, and everything that comes out of us will be right"..
Yar.. Hit the TWO already.. Haha.. And yup.. My heart will still be young as always.. And I definitely want to be as wise and courageous as Daniel.. Thank you man.. Your a great sister.. Nice pool rival.. HAHAHA!!!
Da Amanda:
Pink is okay only lor.. ORANGE ROCKS!!! But thanks for being there for me when I needed help.. And yes.. I will do my best de.. Philippians 3:13 for me.. You're another very fun to have sister btw.. Haha.. Sometimes a bit scary though..
Jen/Jen The Babe:
Eh.. COCKROACH? LOL.. What a description.. But the thing here is that I will never give up.. And I believe too.. I believe that God will use me greatly this year.. The most important thing is to believe ba.. Everything starts with that believe in our faithful God.. Thank Jen.. Your words never fail to make me think.. And thanks for the support..!

The face says it all.. NO MORE DONUTS.. OR CAKE FOR THAT MATTER..
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