Jul 10, 2008

Why Our Eyes are placed in the Position they are in?

Well.. We all know the fact that we're created by God right? But have you ever wondered why our eyes are placed in the position that they are in? Why didn't God placed a eye or two at the back of the head or what so ever?

My opinion to this question would be that because God wants us to look ahead ba... God doesn't place any eyes at the back of our heads because he basically doesn't want us to keep looking behind, looking back at stuff... God wants us to look AHEAD!!! IN FRONT!!! TOWARD WHAT IS TO COME... A.K.A The Future...

Kinda Cool right? God is so thoughtful...

What I'm trying to say is that God cares for us... His got everything planned out for us le... We just have to follow the ways he wants us to follow... I believe he wants us to look towards the future.. And I believe if I look towards the future with him constantly in my sights, whatever I seek would be found in due time...

I feel so refresh despite the recent amount of workload... Its really a wonderful feeling... Now my eyes are focused like an eagle with its sights set on the Lord our God... Waiting, just waiting upon him... And when I see a chance that he gives me to grow myself, I will GO for it..!

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