Apr 28, 2008

Severe Butt Cramp..

Ouch.. Butt cramp.. Why? Well, its all because of the traffic jam at the entrance of the TPE.. Got caught in that one STICKY of a JAM for about 40+ mins or so.. The good thing was that I got a seat.. That's where the butt cramp came from.. Well, in this 40+ mins or so, there was this taxi that got stuck in the jam beside the bus I was in..

At first, the meter on the taxi read $9.20.. But as time went by.. The meter creep slowly up to a shocking $21++, before I lost sight of the meter.. However, the taxi was still in the jam la.. You people should have seen the look on that guy passenger's face change.. Not the prettiest of faces..

Ultimately, the bus I was in got onto the TPE.. Now is the annoying part.. The whole stretch of TPE from IKEA to Seng Kang only took the bus I was in 5+ mins to get from 1 end to the other.. Man.. I wonder.. If the bus can go pass TPE so fast, what cause it to get stuck in the jam for like 40+ mins just outside the TPE entrance..?

But I tell you.. The feeling of just recovering from a severe butt cramp is just so "SHIOK"..!

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